Category: Snow Kiss

  • 1/1/2025 Meeting Transcript

    Me: Happy New Year! Snow Kiss: Whatever. Are you happy with me yet? Because I’d really appreciate being published. Me: Sorry, no. But I AM closer! I’m about to hand you over to someone with instructions to focus on things to cut. Snow Kiss: Cut? Why? I’m down to 112,000 words. Why are you so…

  • 10/02/24 Meeting Transcript

    Snow Kiss: Excuse me? I was under the impression you were going to be revising me, but you seem to be NOT DOING THAT. What gives? Me: So, I missed a lot of goals last week due to a combination of things, including a deep concern about my mother’s hometown being destroyed by flooding and…

  • 9/25/2024 Meeting Transcript

    Me: Hey, Shadow Kiss Act 1! How are you feeling? Act 1: Different. But in a good way. I really like parts of me. Me: Ideally, you’d like all of you, but it’s okay not to yet. Act 1: I’m not a rough draft anymore, though. Shouldn’t I be… Better? Me: Second drafts are nowhere…

  • Meeting Transcript 9/4/2024

    Me: Hey, Snow Kiss! I’m hearing back from the betas on you, slowly but surely. Snow Kiss: Do they like me? I hope they like me. Me: They seem to. I’m getting a good balance of issues vs praise on you. Snow Kiss: Issues? Me: So far, small ones that are largely the result of…

  • Meeting Transcript, 8/28/2024

    Calendar: It’s almost the end of the month! Bet you haven’t made any of your goals! Me: Why are you so mean, Calendar? Also, my primary goal was to get halfway through Act 2 of Shadow Kiss and I finished ALL of Act 2 the day before last. SHADOW KISS Act 2: Does that mean…