Category: Books
9/25/2024 Meeting Transcript
Me: Hey, Shadow Kiss Act 1! How are you feeling? Act 1: Different. But in a good way. I really like parts of me. Me: Ideally, you’d like all of you, but it’s okay not to yet. Act 1: I’m not a rough draft anymore, though. Shouldn’t I be… Better? Me: Second drafts are nowhere…
Meeting Transcript 9/18/2024
Shadow Kiss: Wait. You’re not done with me yet! Have you not seen my list of things to change in me? Me: I’m aware of the list. You may note that the graphic only claims to have completed the ROUGH DRAFT, not to have completed the novel. Also, if you examine yourself, you’ll see I…
Meeting Transcript 9/11/2024
Shadow Kiss: Hey, Andy! I’m still feeling incomplete. Am I imagining that? Me: You are, in fact, two chapters away from being done. Shadow Kiss: Why are you taking so long? Me: I’m actually still on schedule. Shadow Kiss: Oh. Why was your schedule so lazy? Me: It involves 3-6 hours of work on you…
Meeting Transcript 9/4/2024
Me: Hey, Snow Kiss! I’m hearing back from the betas on you, slowly but surely. Snow Kiss: Do they like me? I hope they like me. Me: They seem to. I’m getting a good balance of issues vs praise on you. Snow Kiss: Issues? Me: So far, small ones that are largely the result of…
Meeting Transcript, 8/28/2024
Calendar: It’s almost the end of the month! Bet you haven’t made any of your goals! Me: Why are you so mean, Calendar? Also, my primary goal was to get halfway through Act 2 of Shadow Kiss and I finished ALL of Act 2 the day before last. SHADOW KISS Act 2: Does that mean…