Announcing Ethernotes

Shadow: Is there a reason you’ve ignored me the last two days?

Me: A few. But one of them is my new-

Shadow: Who said you could start a new project? You’re halfway through my rewrite! You’ve cast off not just the first draft’s scenes, but its outline! You can’t just start something else!

Me: Calm down. She’s not a novel. She’s a mailing list. To tell people about my life and my writing. You want people up to date on you, yesno? Even if they’re bad at checking their RSS reader? Or don’t even realize RSS is still a thing?

Shadow: Yeah, I guess. Is there a reason I’m just ‘Shadow’ now?

Me: Because it’s the one word of your title I’m reasonably sure I’m keeping. Unless I replace it with darkness… Or night.

Shadow: (wimpers)

Me: It’s okay. You’re still you, whatever you’re called! Romeo and roses and all that.

Snow: I noticed my last compilation had a title page. It does not say ‘Snow Kiss’ but some other thing…

Me: Snow Kiss was a working title. You’re now The Harmony of Falling Snow.

Snow: I guess that’s okay… But you’ve been ignoring me all month.

Me: I have. But that’s because Jeff’s been working on you.

Snow: Who the incineration is Jeff?

Me: Jeff Ford.* He’s your editor. He’s got some feedback on how to make you stronger that I will be getting to the instant I finish this draft of Shadow.

Snow: I don’t see why I have to wait. You’re releasing ME this year.

Me: If you look at the schedule for the year, you’ll see we’re still well in Shadow’s rewrite time allotment. Finishing this round isn’t going to delay you in the slightest. And it’s actually possible you’ll both be released this year, so your younger sibling’s progress is important.

Snow: But you could release me EARLIER!

Me: Not really. Lots of groundwork still to do, like obtaining cover artwork and getting people excited about you through things like this new newsletter I’m starting. Say hello, Ethernotes!

Ethernotes: (mumbling) Hello, world.

Me: Ethernotes is still a little shy. We’re working on her self-confidence.

Novels: (give the new arrival uncertain looks)

Blog: Fine, I’ll engage. Why not? How are you doing that?

Me: I have a signup form for her so that people can tell her they’re happy she exists. I have a template for her with some fun recurring sections in it, like one for something cool I learned this month and one for something about my critters I haven’t shared elsewhere. And I’m going to put together an issue in the next few days to get her over the “I haven’t even said anything yet” jitters. Because sometimes worrying about saying something is harder than doing it.

Ethernotes: You’re putting me out that soon?

Me: Yep! But don’t worry, sweetie. You’ll be fine!

Blog: And Ethernotes won’t just be repeating me?

Me: Nope! Although she will have links to you.

Blog: Cool. Got a link for her?

Me: Glad you asked!

Ethernotes from Andora Brokaw
Click to sign up!

Shadow: Lovely. Can you start working on me now? You promised me two new scenes today and it’s already lunchtime.

Me: I should eat lunch!

Shadow: (sighs)

*Jeff’s between websites at the moment, but if you’re looking for a freelance editor with quick response times, feel free to drop him an email at



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