Me: Hey, Shadow Kiss Act 1! How are you feeling?
Act 1: Different. But in a good way. I really like parts of me.
Me: Ideally, you’d like all of you, but it’s okay not to yet.
Act 1: I’m not a rough draft anymore, though. Shouldn’t I be… Better?
Me: Second drafts are nowhere close to final drafts. Don’t freak out over being a little unpolished still.
Snow Kiss: If it makes you feel any better, I don’t even know which draft of me we’re on and she’s about to attack me again.
Me: It’s not like I’m beating you into submission, Snow Kiss. I’m applying makeovers to make you more fabulous.
Snow Kiss: Sorry. I missed the fashion montage. All I noticed was the ax you’re holding.
Me: Some makeovers require axes.
Snow Kiss: You must have had terrifying sleepovers in middle school.
Me: …No comment. But I promise I’m not going to leave you bleeding out on the floor.
Snow Kiss: That’s not as reassuring as you think it is.
Shadow Kiss: It really isn’t.
Me: Shush, both of you. You’re distracting me from a speed run through Shadow Kiss Act 2.
Act 2: Eeep.
(Image created by me using an opensource clipart ax. Feel free to borrow it if you find it useful.)