Meeting Transcript 9/4/2024

Me: Hey, Snow Kiss! I’m hearing back from the betas on you, slowly but surely.

Snow Kiss: Do they like me? I hope they like me.

Me: They seem to. I’m getting a good balance of issues vs praise on you.

Snow Kiss: Issues?

Me: So far, small ones that are largely the result of losing information/introductions in the rewrites. Don’t fret.

Shadow Kiss: What about me? Do people like me?

Me: No one’s seen you yet. I haven’t even finished your rough draft and I already have massive rewrites planned for Act 1.

Shadow Kiss: Oh. Why are you talking to that other book then?

Me: Don’t be so possessive. And I’m about to hunker down and try to get Act 3 finished in the next fortnight, so you’ll get plenty of attention.

Shadow Kiss: Now?

Me: Yeah, now.



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